Equine Dentistry 

From routine equine dentistry to advanced dental surgical techniques for all horses, ponies and donkeys.

As one of the most experienced Veterinary Dentists Australia wide, Dr Clinton Float is passionate about providing only the best in Equine Dentistry. Dr Float provides a level of confidence that is backed by over 20 years of experience in the field of equine dentistry, medicine and surgery. Using state of the art dental equipment together with the most up to date knowledge of techniques and procedures, Pegasus Equine Dentistry is offering only the highest standard of care. Entrusting your horse’s dental monitoring and treatments to a qualified Veterinary Professional is the first step in providing the best possible care.

What to expect 

Not sure what to expect?

Pegasus Veterinary Services offers a fully mobile service which includes routine and advanced equine dentistry, dental radiographic imaging and scoping, drenching, vaccinations and other veterinary treatments and procedures There are numerous benefits of home based treatments as they remove a large amount of stress associated with travel and improve recovery and overall outcomes. 

You will need to be home for your appointment or have someone present who is able to handle your horse / pony or donkey. 

Safety for patients, clients and veterinarians is our priority. Creating a calm and safe environment is paramount  






Routine Dentistry

Monitor Equine health and keep top condition with regular cleans and check ups.

Duration - approximately an hour.

Appointments required.

Additional services

Mobile & specialised equipment is on hand to visualise your horse’s mouth including oral scopes and digital x-rays. Advanced surgical procedures are carried out at Veterinary hospitals. 


For referrals, please fill out a contact form or contact us directly to arrange an appointment.

Advanced surgical procedures are carried out at Veterinary hospitals. 

Have you seen our blog?

Take a minute and read up on some common and not so common occurences from the field. Dr Float regularly provides reflections on real life cases.

Kind Words